Inner Force Analytic Research and Practice of the Circular Pump House to Install Anchorage on Motherboard 底板设置锚筋的圆形水泵房内力分析研究和实践
It included construction of Power station Phase II and III, Watee pump house Phase III, cattle card workshop, civil engineering, steel structure, net structure of machine shops. 包括二、三期电站、三期水泵房、牛咭车间、机修车间的土建、钢结构、网架结构的施工。
Still more orderly and more clean! Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House 房间更井然有序,更干净!蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房
Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in forebay with side-intake of pumping station Optimum hydraulic design and model test for side-intake channel of circulating water pump house 循环水泵房侧向进水流道水力优化设计及模型试验
Alternative Integrated Design of Pump House Chambers in Deep Soft Rocks 深部软岩泵房硐室群集约化设计技术
The key to structural design of pump house for large water level differences is structural anti-buoyancy. 大水位差取水泵房结构设计的关键是结构抗浮。
This paper introduces the reason and plan of improving rotating filter screen in circulating water pump house in Douhe Power Plant, and the operation result after improvement. 介绍了陡河发电厂循环水泵房旋转滤网改造的原因、方案以及实施改造后的运行效果。
Study of Seismic Resistance Design of Rectangular Concrete Plate Pump House in the Earthquake Zone 地震区矩形混凝土板式泵房抗震设计的探讨
The trees were thick around the servants'quarters, the stables, and the pump house. 职工宿舍、马厩、和泵房周围的树木十分茂密。
With S7-300 PLC as the main controller, has designed a modular pump house drainage control system. 设计了以S7-300PLC为主要控制器的模块化泵房排水控制系统。
Pipelines in pump house to be insulated only. 泵房内管线只需保温。
The application of PLC in automatic control of pump house in tank farm is introduced. 介绍了油库实时监控系统的系统配置、应用软件构成及功能。
Third stage water pump house sink well is designed and down sink construction technology are introduced in this paper. 协福电厂循环水泵房基坑施工,因变更设计和追求进度造成支护崩塌事故,全文简述事故经过和处理方法。
Power Source Demonstration on Middle Boosting Pump House for Reclaimed Wastewater Use Project in Kangping Power Plant 康平电厂再生水利用工程中间升压泵房电源论证
Vacuum and Airout Unit for Railway Light Oil Pump House 用于铁路轻油泵房的真空&放空装置
Along with the technique reformation of the mine and the exaltation of the production abilities, the drainage ability of the original central pump house of water can't satisfy it. 随着矿井的技术改造和生产能力的提高,原有中央水泵房的排水能力已不能满足生产需要。
Inquire into Operation without Operator on Duty for Circulating Water Pump House in Power Plants 电厂循环水泵房无人值班运行探讨
In view of the problems existed in the water pump of mine central pump house, the article designs an automatic system scheme suitable to the application at site, which proves a good result in practical use. 针对矿井中央泵房水泵存在的问题,设计了适合现场的自动化系统方案,经实际使用达到了良好的效果。
The paper analyses the unreasonable process of vacuum system of pump house. It also put forward the constructive suggestions with regard to strengthen the process management of oil depot. 对油泵房真空系统不合理工艺进行了剖析,并就加强油库工艺管理提出建设性意见。
This Paper gives a more detail introduction to the application of PLC to the pump house engineering which employs an F, series small programmable controller by Mitsubishi. 本文较详细地介绍了PLC在排水泵房改造工程中的应用,该工程选用了三菱F1系列小型可编程控制器。
Finally, the original cost estimation of open caisson pump house is made with the geometric optimization. 最后用几何优化法对泵房沉井基础的工程费估算作了应用性探讨。
Analysis and improvement on thermal control system of circulating-water booster pump house in Maoming Cogeneration Power Plant 茂名热电厂循环水升压泵房热控系统分析和改进
The foundation adopts anchor bar reinforcement scheme to increase anti-floating stability of the main pump house. 为提高主厂房抗浮稳定性,地基基础采用锚筋加固方案。
Light oil pump house is mainly used to convey some volatile and inflammable oil products. 油库轻油泵房主要输送易蒸发、易燃烧的油品,属于爆炸危险场所。
Combined with Shanxi Museum work in this paper according to drainage design of green area and border, construction process and characteristics of siphon drainage system and pump house design detailed introduced is made in order to realize scientific use of building space. 结合山西省博物馆设计实例,对其绿地、花坛的排水做法,虹吸式排水系统做法与特点及水泵房合理布置等作了介绍,以使空间建筑得到有效科学的利用。
Four major problems should be solved in the structural design of pump house of water supply: the pressure and constraint of surrounding media on the structure; 取水泵房的结构设计应解决好三方面问题:周围介质对结构的压力与约束;
The Application of PLC in Innovation project of pump House for Drainage PLC在排水泵房改造工程中的应用
Take 1# pump house to mine for example, the solution of main drainage system is proposed at the same time, the pump control devices have been installed at the scene, which further verified the feasibility of the design. 以该矿1水泵房为例,提出了煤矿主排水系统解决方案,同时,将水泵控制装置安装于现场,从而进一步验证了设计的可行性。
And extend its function, so that the underground water pump house in realizing unmanned operation at the same time, according to the specific circumstances and requirements, selecting the optimum operation scheme. 并且延伸其功能,使井下水泵房在实现无人化运行的同时,能够根据井下具体情况和要求,选择最佳运行方案。